Fully funded 2020 Japan KMMF Scholarship Scholarship Recruitment

Fully funded 2020 Japan KMMF Scholarship Scholarship Recruitment

Application qualifications

1) International students from countries in Asia, Africa, South America(see official website for details) will enroll in the Master’s program of the Graduate School of Engineering in October 2020.
2) Permanent residents in Japan in October 2020.
3) Participants in all official events held by the Konosuke Matsushita Memorial Foundation several times a year.
4) Those who need financial assistance to study and have not received other scholarships.

Scholarship overview

Living expenses:
120,000 yen monthly
Entrance fee: 282,000 yen,
Tuition support: 535,800 yen
*If you have decided to work, you cannot apply for a tuition exemption.
Travel Expenses:
If you come to Japan for the first time, you will be provided with an amount separately prescribed by the Foundation

Payment period

From October 2020 to end of 2022 (up to 2 years)

Application Process

Documents to be submitted:
Application documents and application guidelines will be distributed by the International Affairs Section. (Eng-mon@grp.tohoku.ac.jp)
The application form consist in 3 sheets of A4.
*Make sure to read the application guidelines carefully and fill the form with your computer in English or Japanese language.
*Do not modify the number of pages or page numbering.

  • For GPA, refer to the attached GPA calculation method and enter the calculated value.
    *Please fill in the faculty etc. (Example: ○○ University ○○ Graduate School/Research Student (Country))
    2) Personal information acquisition consent form
    3) Undergraduate transcript
    4) Admission or letter of acceptance (if available)
    5) Copy of residence card (both sides)
    6) Economic Situation Report (as of 2020/10/1)
    7) Self-financed foreign student certificate (designated form)
    8) Household income statement (designated form)
    *7) and 8) are not required if submitted when applying for another scholarship after April 2020.

Number of people recommended by the Graduate School of Engineering
No restrictions (however, 1 person per country)

Destination of application documents
International Exchange Section, Education Division, Graduate School of Engineering


Monday, August 17, 2020

More information (JP) on official website.

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